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Storm Season Means Fallen Powerlines. Do You Know What to Do?

07 Dec Storm Season Means Fallen Power lines

Holiday season is on its way, and that means storm season is, too. Storms are a part of life here in Queensland, and that can include cyclones, hail, heavy rain, wild winds and flooding.

With storms can also come fallen powerlines. They can be brought down by falling trees, lightning strikes, high winds and any other manner of accident or event. However it happens, and whether the power lines are on public property or are your own private property power poles, you need to know what to do when you see them.

What To Do When You See Fallen Powerlines

Fallen powerlines aren’t always as obvious as you might think. They can, of course, be broken lines lying across a road. But damaged lines can also be indicated by arcing wires, damaged or fallen poles, exposed underground cables or even damaged pillars.

So, what should you do if you see any of these things?


Stay away.

We can’t stress this enough. Always stay clear of any fallen power lines or exposed underground cables, even if they’re from your private property power poles or are on your private land.

For your own safety, give yourself at least ten metres clearance from any downed lines at all times. Once the electricity reaches the ground, the ground itself can become energised, with the voltage not dropping to zero until 10 metres from the point of contact.

Fallen powerlines can be deadly. And it’s not always clear if they are live or not. And with automatic switching, a line that wasn’t live, could become live at any time. Never approach them under any circumstances.

Never touch a person or object in contact with a fallen power line.

Never touch anything or anyone that is in contact with a fallen power line. This includes vehicles, trees or even flood water. If the line is still live, you could be seriously injured.

Even if the fallen powerlines are on your private property, you should never attempt to repair them on your own. Always call emergency services or contact us at 07 3284 6690. We have a 24/7 emergency response team and will be to you quickly.

Be careful when cleaning up after a storm.

Be extra vigilant when cleaning up around your property. Sometimes fallen or exposed lines can be hidden in debris or even floodwaters. If you see anything that looks like it could be a powerline don’t take a chance, simply leave it be.

What To Do In An Emergency

If you see someone that has been electrocuted by a fallen powerline from property power poles or on public lands, never touch them. Call Triple Zero (000) immediately and wait for help.

If the person is able to walk and can get themselves away from the energised area and to safety, you can then help attend to their injuries. Treat any burns by running them under cool running water for at least 20 minutes, and then covering them with a non-stick dressing. Never use salves or ointments on a burn.

Even if the victim feels OK, it’s always best to have them checked by emergency services.

Get in Touch with us if you have seen a fallen powerline.

Civil Contractor’s, Property Developers and Government entities use GNB Energy’s services to grow. For a hassle-free quote give us a call today.



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Civil Contractor’s, Property Developers and Government entities use GNB Energy’s services to grow. For a hassle-free quote give us a call today.